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We are excited you inquired to learn more about our warm and caring commu­nity that fosters indi­vid­ual growth as a part of the progres­sive educa­tion model. At Waverly, we believe that students learn best when they are actively involved in their educa­tion when they become respon­si­ble for their growth as students, when they are encour­aged to work to their highest level, and when their learn­ing is based on life experiences.

It is an honor to guide fami­lies through the admis­sions process and share the foun­da­tional expe­ri­ence and excel­lent educa­tion at The Waverly School. We often speak to culti­vat­ing curious, resource­ful, confi­dent learn­ers, which is all made possi­ble by our talented and student-centered faculty and staff. When educa­tors know and under­stand the students they teach, it allows us to connect and chal­lenge them to achieve in ways they never thought possi­ble. Love of learn­ing and not recit­ing infor­ma­tion is key.

About the Student
About the Parent/Guardian

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Broadening Horizons
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